Creado por Shireen Ahmed
hace más de 9 años
The types of simple epithelia are:
The cellular types evident in the simple columnar resorptive epithelium are:
The cellular types evident in the transitional epithelium of Henle are:
Write some of the most specific microscopic features of the stratified epithelia:
Write the layers of the stratified squamous keratinizing epithelium:
The regeneration of the stratified epithelia is associated to the _____a_____ cells localized ________b________.
Depending on type of secretion the glandular epithelia are:
Depending on type of their secretion, the Acini are:
Depending on shape of their secretory units, the exocrine glands are:
Write the types of the stratified squamous epithelium:
By light microscopic observation of paraffin section stained with hematoxylin-eosin, epithelial membrane resting upon basal membrane (lamina) is observed. The cell nuclei lying at different levels in a perpendicular section. Some of the epithelial cells have cilia on their apical part. What type of epithelial tissue is this?
By light microscopic observation of paraffin section stained with hematoxylin-eosin, epithelial membrane lying on straight basal membrane (lamina) is observed. The apical part of the cells is striated and their nuclei are ovoid, perpendicular orientated to the basal lamina. Some cells appear with unstained cytoplasm. What type of epithelial tissue is this?
By light microscope observation of paraffin section stained with hematoxylin-eosin, epithelial membrane lying on convoluted basal membrane (lamina) is seen. The epithelial sheet is composed of different in shape cells - columnar, polygonal and flattened arranged in layers. There is no border between the epithelial layers. The most superficial cells appear with preserved nuclei. The deeper epithelial layers show basophilia of cell cytoplasm. What type of epithelial tissue is this?
By light microscope observation of paraffin section stained with hematoxylin-eosin, acini composed of high columnar cells with basal basophilic cytoplasm and apical secretory granules are found. The cell nuclei are large and localized in the basal portion of the cytoplasm. The acinus lumen appears very small, narrow. What type of acini are these?
By light microscope observation of paraffin section stained with hematoxylin-eosin, acini composed of cells with unstained cytoplasm and flattened nuclei localized in its basal part are visible. The acinus lumen appears large and wide. What type of acini are these?
Based on the specific features of their intercellular substance, what are the following main types of connective tissue:
In functional aspect the connective tissue cells are three main types:
The certain features of the amorphous (ground) intercellular substance are:
The connective tissue cells with protective functions are:
The macrophages arise from _____a______ and have _______b_______ function
The granules of mast cells contain:
The specific staining methods for visualization of the elastic fibers are:
Depending on the number and localization of the lipid droplets in their cytoplasm, the fat cells (adipocytes) are:
The osteone is ________a________ and consists of __________b_________
There are three types of cartilage, the are:
A. Collagenous fibers
B. Elastic fibers
C. Reticular fibers
a. Orcein
b. Silver Impregnation
c. Eosin
A. Plasma cells
B. Macrophages
C. Mast cells
a. Presence of numerous lysosomes
b. Eccentric nucleus with heterochromatin having a "cartwheel" appearance
c. Granules with histamine, serotonin and heparin-like substance
By light microscopic observation of paraffin section stained with hematoxylin-eosin. a cartilage with metachromatic stained intercellular substance and isogenous groups of 3-5 cells localized in lacunae is found. What type of cartilage is this?
Electron microscopic observation reveals multinucleated bone cell with numerous lysosomes and microvilli on the surface. What is the name of the described cell?
By light microscopic observation of paraffin section stained with methylene blue, cells with numerous metachromatic granules in their cytoplasm are found. What is the name of the described cell?
The stages of granulocyte development are:
The plasma proteins are:
The cell diameter by the different types of granulocytes is:
The periods of the embryonic hemopoiesis are:
The two main structural regions of the blood platelets are:
On peripheral blood smear (Giesma staining), a spherical-shaped cell (diameter about 12um) with highly polymorphous nucleus (consisting of 3-5 lobes) and filled with fine granules cytoplasm is found. What is the name of this cell?
By differential blood count the present correlation into leucocytes is found:
Neu - 55%
Ba - 1%
Eo - 4%
Mo - 15%
Ly - 25%
What is the name of this aberration?
By differential blood count the present correlation into leucocytes is found:
Neu - 55%
Ba - 1%
Eo - 12%
Mo - 4%
Ly - 28%
What is the name of this aberration?
A. Monocytes
B. Lymphocytes
C. Thrombocytes
a. lack of nucleus
b. kidney-shaped nucleus
c. eccentric placed nucleus with heterochromatin arranged in "cartwheel" fashion
d. scanty, basophilic cytoplasm
e. pale, grey-ish blue stained cytoplasm
f. cell diameter about 3-4um
The parts of the neuron are:
Depending on the shape of their body, the neurons are:
Depending on the number of their branches, the neurons are:
Depending on their functions, the neurons are:
The central type of neuroglial cells are:
By light microscopic observation of spinal cord on transverse sections stained with toluidinblue, multipolar neurons with cytoplasm filled with blue granules in the anterior horns are observed. What is the name of this organelle?
Under electron microscope, a transverse section of cylindrical in shape structure with dark and light lines arranged in concentric manner is observed. Peripherally, a part of cytoplasm with mitochondria and nucleus is visible. What is the name of the structure?
Under light microscope, on sections from cerebrum stained with AuCl2 star-shaped neurons with numerous long non-branching processes localized in the white matter are observed. Some of the processes attach to the blood vessel walls. What is the name of this cell?
Under light microscope, on sections stained with OsO4 bundles of black coloured fiber-like structures appear. There are gaps in their outer sheath and it is seen to be an incomplete or interrupted cylinder. Radial clefts or fissures, extending through the thickness of the sheath are also visible. What is the name of the structures?
The consecutive stages (phases) of the spermatogenesis are:
The ovum is surrounded by:
The main parts of the spermatozoon are:
The consecutive stages (phases) of oogenesis are:
Zona pellucida consists of:
The types of male germ cells are:
Under electron microscope, a round cell with spherical pale nucleus and prominent nucleolus is observed. In the cell cytoplasm mitochondria, elements of Golgi complex and vesicles are arranged in a group and form a common structure localized near the nucleus. What is the name of the described cell?
By electron microscopic observation of transverse section of spermatozoon flagellum, centrally placed microtubules surrounded by filamentous sheath and in spiral fashion arranged mitochondria appear. What part of the spermatozoon is this?
By light microscopic observation of stain with hematoxylin-eosin section of ovary, a round, big in size cell within a spherical structure appears. The cell is with pale nucleus and prominent nucleolus. Around the cell a homogenous, deeply stained membrane is visible. Outside of it radially arranged cuboidal to cylindrical in shape cells form a layer. What is the name of the described cell?
A. Head
B. Neck (cervix)
C. Middle piece (pars intermedia)
D. Tail (flagellum)
a. acrosome
b. mitochondria
c. centrioles
d. longitudinal filaments
The parts of the mesoblast are:
What are the structures that derive from the somites of the mesoblast:
The placental barrier AFTER the third month consists of:
The barrier BEFORE the third month consists of:
Specific for the segmentation by the human embryo is:
The formation of the chorda dorsalis passes through the following stages:
The umbilical cord of the newborn baby is built from:
Chorion types are:
The process of the formation of the nervous system passes through the following stages:
Determine the localization of the structure according to its stage of development:
A. Zygote
B. Blastocysta (day 6-7)
C. Blastocysta (day 9)
a. free in the uterus cavity
b. in the oviduct
c. in the endometrium
Associate the parts of the mesoblast with the corresponding activities:
A. Epimer
B. Mesomer
C. Hypomer
a. dermatomes
b. splanchnopleura
c. sclerotomes
d. myotomes
e. nephrotomes
f. somatopleura
Under the light microscope - (H-E staining), part of extraembryonal organ that consists of amnion, smooth chorion (chorion laeve) and covering decidua (decidua capsularis) appears. What is this organ?
Under the light microscope - (H-E staining), part of extraembryonal organ consisting of different shape and size structures that are covered by syncytiotrophoblast, filled with mesenchyme and blood vessels appears. What is this organ?
Under the light microscope - H-E staining part of extraembryonal organ that is covered by amnion and contains three blood vessels and mucoid tissue between them appears. What is this organ?
The triad of the striated myofibril consists of:
What is the embryonic origin of:
A) smooth muscle tissue
B) skeletal striated muscle tissue
C) cardiac striated muscle tissue
D) myoepithelial cells
The following proteins are present in the striated myofibrils:
The following types of muscle cells are innervated by the vegetative nervous system:
For the smooth muscle tissue the _______a_______ type of microscopic organization is specific and the nuclei are localized in the _______b______ part of the cells
Under the light microscope - (H-E staining), bundles of striated cylindrical structures with numerous peripherally placed nuclei are visible.
What type of muscle tissue is this?
Under the light microscope - (H-E staining), long cells with centrally placed spherical nuclei, divided in two or more branches at its ends appear. Between the adjacent cells, dark lines pass in an irregular, step-like manner. What type of muscle tissue is this?
Under the light microscope - (H-E staining), elongated (spindle-shaped) cells with centrally placed nuclei, arranged in layers are observed.
What type of muscle tissue is this?
Associate each type of muscle tissue with its corresponding features:
A. Smooth muscle tissue
B. Cardiac striated muscle tissue
C. Skeletal striated muscle tissue
a. presence of striated myofibrils
b. presence of smooth myofibrils
c. presence of cardiac myofibrils
d. cellular type of microscopic organization
e. symplast type of organization
e. syncytial type of organization