Creado por Thomas Woodcock
hace casi 3 años
What did St Paul say about justification?
What did Martin Luther say about Justification?
What did St James say about justification?
What did Jesus say about justification?
What did the council of Trent say about justification?
What is predestination?
Who supported predestination?
What is the difference between Paul's predestination and Augustine's later version
What is a problem will predestination?
Who opposed predestination?
Biblical verses that support predestination
Biblical verses that oppose predestination?
What is sanctity of life?
bible verse to support sanctity of life
What is the strong sanctity of life?
What is the weak sanctity of life?
What is the 'just war theory'?
who created the just war theory?
What is the first principle of just war?
What is the second principle?
What is the third principle?
ius ad bellum examples?
ius in bello examples?
ius post bellum examples?
What are the 3 types of WMDs?
Would any type of WMD be justified under just war?
why do some think just war can't be applied to WMDs?
how can the idea of dominion be justified?
a bible verse to support dominion?
what else does dominion mean for humans?
What does the dominion position lead to?
What is the principle of plentitude and how does it apply to stewardship
What did Victoria Harrison say about the planet?
WHat does Lynn White Jr say?
What does Sally mcfague say?
what is eco theology?