Creado por Vincent Bergeron
hace más de 9 años
Which variable is the most important when determining a spindle speed?
Cutting speed refers to:
How fast should a 1/2" drill turn when drilling machine steel if the cutting speed (CS) is 90?
Do small drills require a higher feed per revolution than larger ones?
Which abbreviate is used to express the feed rate on a drill press?
A drill press spindle has a #2 Morse taper. A twist drill with #3 Morse taper shank must be mounted in the spindle. How would you secure the drill in the spindle?
To remove a tapered shank twist from the drill press spindle, use a ?
Drill chucks may be mounted in the drill press spindle or a tapered shank by means of a ?
V-blocks are used mostly on the drill press for:
To clamp a workpiece correctly with a straight clamp:
When using a sensitive drill press, what should you do as the drill breaks through the workpiece?
If a drill wanders off centre, the best method to draw it back to centre is to use a :
The recommended drill size to ream a 3/8" hole on a drill press is:
The included point angle of a countersunk hole for most flathead screws is:
Which type of machine tap will push the chip out ahead of the tap:
The lip relief (clearance) angle on a drill should be:
A general purpose drill bit for drilling most metals has an included point angle of:
Carbide drills may be operated at a cutting speed how many times faster than high speed steel drills?
A drill which is ground with lips of unequal length, will drill a hole which is:
Define drilling
Define boring
Define reaming
What is the difference between spot-facing and counterboring?
State two methods by which the size of a drill press may be determined.
Compare a sensitive drill press with an upright drilling machine.
Describe and state the purpose of the following parts of a sensitive drill press: base
Describe and state the purpose of the following parts of a sensitive drill press: column
Describe and state the purpose of the following parts of a sensitive drill press: Drilling head
Describe and state the purpose of the following parts of a sensitive drill press: Table
Describe and state the purpose of the following parts of a sensitive drill press: Depth stop
What are the advantages of a radial drilling machine?
Compare the construction of a radial drilling machine to that of a standard upright drill press,
What is the purpose of a drill chuck?
Name four types of drill chucks.
What is the purpose of a drill sleeve?
What is the purpose of a drill socket?
How is a tapered-shank drill removed from a drill press spindle?
Name three types of drill vises and state the purpose of each.
What is the purpose of V-blocks?
What is the purpose of step blocks?
Describe an angle plate and state its purpose.
What is the advantage of a drill jig?
Why is it important that work be clamped properly for any machining operation?
Define the body of a twist drill.
Define the web of a twist drill.
Define the point of a twist drill.
State the purpose of the following parts:
State the purpose of the following parts:
State the purpose of the following parts:
State the purpose of the following parts:
Body clearance
What is the purpose of the following drill points and what degree is it ground to:
What is the purpose of the following drill points and what degree is it ground to:
long angle
What is the purpose of the following drill points and what degree is it ground to:
flat angle
Why is it necessary to thin the web of a drill?
List four systems of drill sizes and give the range of each.
State the purpose of the high-helix drill
State the purpose of the Core drill
State the purpose of the Oil hole drill?
State the purpose of the Straight-fluted drill
State the purpose of the gun drill.
State the purpose of the hard-steel drill
What problems generally result from the use excessive speed and excessive feed?
Discuss excessive lip clearance and insufficient lip clearance.
What is the effect of drills with unequal angles on the cutting lips?
What is the effect of drills with cutting lips unequal length?
What are the characteristics of a properly ground drill?