Creado por Vincent Bergeron
hace más de 9 años
The hammer shown is a
The screwdriver recess in Figure 71 is a :
A standard screwdriver blade maintains a better grip in the slot if the blade is ground slightly:
When tightening a bolt with a wrench:
The type of tool least likely to slip when holding small parts is the:
A type of wrench that can be used to turn a polished cylindrical shaft is a:
The included angle that should be ground on the point of a centre punch is:
A drift punch is useful to:
The removable serrated jaws on a bench vise are made from:
Which type of torque wrench is best for achieving a preset amount of torque?
Pullers are used to:
Before working around a load that has been raised with a hydraulic jack:
Alkaline cleaning must be only be used on which of the following metals:
Barrel finishing:
How do you designate the size of a bench vise?
Why is it important to NOT hammer on the vise surface of the slide bar?
What is the purpose of using soft jaws on a vise?
If you have to use a vise for heating and heavy bending operations, what is often a common practise?
What are the four principal parts of a ball peen hammer?
For what application is the peen of the ball peen hammer used?
What is another name for a sledgehammer?
Why is a sledgehammer used?
Where would you use a soft face hammer?
What is different about a dead-blow hammer?
How do you secure a wooden handle to the hammer head?
Of what material are punches normally made from?
What punch is recommended if you do not want to damage the finished surface?
Which punch material is good to use in a non-sparking environment?
What is the purpose of using a centre punch ground at an included point angle of 90 degrees?
What is the purpose of using a prick punch ground at an included point angle of 30 to 60 degrees?
Which punch is used without the use of a hammer?
How can you change the indentation size when using the automatic centre punch?
Why should you ensure the mushroomed punch heads do not appear on your punches?
What is the purpose of a pin punch?
What is the purpose of a drift punch?
What is the purpose of a transfer (spotting) punch?
Why is a shallow groove cut into the side of a metal stamp?
Why should you grind a standard blade screwdriver with a concave?
Describe a box and wrench
Why is a wrench angled at 15 degrees from the working surface?
Which wrench has a different size open at each end of the wrench (box end or open end)?
How is the size of an open end wrench determined?
Why are the open end wrench flats at 15 degrees to the wrench handle?
What does a 3/8 drive socket mean?
Describe the proper way to use an adjustable wrench?
How are hex socket wrenches sized?
What is the purpose of using a torque wrench?
Where should the working range of a torque wrench be in relation to the scale of the wrench?
How does a torque wrench multiplier increase torque
What enables a pipe wrench to grasp round parts?
When is a strap wrench used?
Why is an adjustable hood spanner more flexible in its use?
How is a slug wrench designed to be hammered on?
What is a use for the pry bar pointed end?
What determines the size of a C-clamp?
When using a puller or press and removing a bearing from a shaft, what should you do?
How may finished work be held in a vise without the surface being marred or damaged?
Describe the most common hammer used by a machinist.
For what purpose are soft-face hammers used?
State three safety rules that should be observed when using a hammer?
Why is a properly sized box wrench preferred to other types of wrenches?
What advantages does a socket wrench have over a box wrench?
What is the cross-sectional shape of an Allen wrench and for what purposes is an Allen wrench used?
Where is a hook pin spanner used?
State four useful hints for using any wrench.