Creado por seonapalmer
hace más de 9 años
What is Qualitative Research?
When are qualitative research methods appropriate to use?
What are the types of truths inherent in all research?
What is the difference conceptually between qualitative and quantitative research?
What are the three ways sampling is done in Qualitative Research?
What is Theoretical or purposeful sampling?
What is maximum variation sampling?
What is snowball sampling?
What are the three different approaches to qualitative research?
What is Phenomenology?
What is Ethnography?
What is grounded theory?
What key things should we consider when designing qualitative research?
What are the methods associated with qualitative research?
What are the types of interviews used in Qualitative research
What are the types of Observations used in Qualitative research?
What is the criteria used to judge trustworthiness in qualitative research?
What is the Criteria for Reporting Qualitative research?
What are the procedures for ensuring trustworthiness of qualitative research?
What are the steps in preliminary data analysis of qualitative research?
What is thematic analysis?
What is the process of Thematic Analysis?
What is Coding in grounded theory analysis?
What are the three types on Coding?
What does it mean when the data becomes saturated?
What are memos used for in Grounded theory analysis?
What does Rigour refer to in Grounded theory analysis?
What is Reflexive writing?