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Saying goodbye to rhinos?
The Last Three is a huge sculpture of the world’s rarest animals. It (1. show) the last three northern white rhinos: Sudan, his daughter and granddaughter. The sculpture (2. appear) in New York in March 2018. Soon after that, 45-year-old Sudan (3. die). Rhinos (4. be) on the planet for 40,000 years. In 1960 more than 2,000 northern white rhino (5. live) in the world. In 1980 there (6. be) only 15 of them. The last two rhinos (7. live) in Kenya and (8. guard) (охранять) day and night to protect them from armies of poachers (= illegal hunters), the main threat for rhinos. Have the species become extinct or we already (9. we / already / lose) them?