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( Eratosthenes, Kepler, Galileo, Brahe, Ptolemy, Tycho ) was the first to measure the ( radius, diameter, circumference, surface area ) of the Earth which helped to prove the Earth wasn't flat. Copernicus developed the heliocentric system and believed in ( elliptical, rectangular, irregular, perfect circle ) revolutions of the planets. Ptolemy's discoveries include developing the Ptolemaic universe model which was ( heliocentric, sun-centered, earth-centered, moon-centered ), ( epicycles, ellipses, gravity ), and cataloging 1028 stars positions. ( Tycho, Brahe, Kepler, Eratosthenes ) is responsible for ( Tycho, Eratosthenes, Brahe, Andromeda )'s quadrant which is ( 1/2, 1/8, 1/3, 1/4, 1/16 ) of ( an ellipse, a circle, an arch ), used to measure positions, precision of the angular observant, and ( one, two, three, four ) second of ( an arc, an ellipse, a circle ). The ( ellipse, circular, irregular ) orbit was discovered/hypothesized about by ( Kepler, Copernicus, Brahe, Newton ). Galileo discovered ( sunspots, solar flares, sun storms ), mountains and valleys on ( the moon,, Venus, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter's moons ) the ( one, five, two, three, four ) moons of ( Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune ), phases of ( Mercury, Venus, the moon ), and used the first telescope as a scientific instrument. Kepler is also responsible for ( 3 laws of gravity, 4 laws of gravity, 4 laws, 3 laws ). The first is that planets have elliptical orbits. The second is that when a planet is ( further away, closer ) to the sun it moves ( slower, faster ) than when it is ( further away, closer ), and the ( third, Pick the other one. ) is that you can measure the ( orbit, revoltionary ) period of a planet that orbits around the sun and convert it to ( astronomical units, light years, Earth years ) and then ( divide, cube, square, multiply ) it and the ( cubed root, square root, product, quotient ) will be it's ( light years, astronomical units, Earth years ) from the sun.