The Builders, no one can say for sure who built the monument. Seventeenth century, English antiquarian, John Aubrey, implicated the Druids, a religious sect known to worship at modern day Stonehenge. But this theory is now considered implausible. The modern Druid, possibly formed from a Celtic priesthood, is believed to have come along 2,000 years after the stone monument had been built and perhaps was in ruin. The widely held belief is that the so-called Heel Stone was positioned so that the sun would rise directly above it on the day of the summer solstice (when the sun is furthest from the equator). This is incorrect, it appears that Stonehenge was originally aligned with the major and minor northern moonrises. Only later did it become oriented toward the sun due to the slow movement of the earth away from the sun.The Heel Stone and the now fallen Slaughter Stone along with other stones and the axis of the avenue to the Avon river, were arranged in the direction of the midsummer sunrise.
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