Creado por E M
hace más de 2 años
A 1y ME Pug presents with 2 week history of haematuria and stranguria. USG 1.020, pH 5.6, Plain abdominal radiographs were unremarkable, urinary retrograde contrast study identified 3 moderate sized radiolucent cystoliths. Stone type?
Which stones form secondary to liver disease / PSS?
Which stones are dalmatians predisposed to?
3y MN Dalmation, Acute onset dysuria, Plain abdominal radiographs were unremarkable, Retrograde contrast urethrogram identified 3 radiolucent urethroliths and multiple radiolucent cystoliths
• You successfully retropulse the urethroliths and have left a foley urinary catheter-in-situ • USG 1.032, pH 5.8
3y FN DSH 4 day history of vomiting and 2 days progressive lethargy. Large and painful left kidney
• Plain abdominal radiographs = radio- opaque left ureterolith
• Abdominal ultrasound = markedly dilated left renal pelvis and proximal ureter
• USG 1.038, pH 6.2
13 week old FE Weimeraner, 4 day history of PUPD, Inappetance, V+, Large intestinal pattern d+, Lethargy. Icteric sclera, Mms CRT <2 seconds, salmon pink/hypersalivation, HR 140/minute, synchronous, hyperdynamic pulses, Mild-moderate bilateral comfortable renomegaly, Mild pyrexia 39.4oC. First line tx?
What is the USG range for isosthenuria
What is adequately concentrated urine for a dog and cat?
A dog is azotemic with a USG of 1.010, what is the cause of azotemia?
What percentage of nephron loss causes azotemia?
What is rubber jaw caused by?
What is restricted in a urinary diet?
What 3 things are used for IRIS STAGING?
How does CKD cause anaemia?
How do you treat hypertension in cats v dogs
What are the 4 features of nephrotic syndrome?
What is the difference in regeneration after ischemic v toxic insult to tubules?
What are the features of Faconi syndrome?
Polycystic kidney disease occurs in which breed of cat usually
Most common bladder neoplasia in dogs, and location
What type of contrast should you use for urinary tract imaging?
What stone is likely if a dog has alkaline urine and the stone appears on plain x-ray
What stone is likely if a dog has acidic urine, and the stone shows on positive contrast radiography?
Name the two types of anti-proteinuric drugs
How does phenylpropanolamine act to treat USMI?
Which three drugs can be used with urethral spasm?
What are the three types of drugs to treat urethral spasm, and what muscle type do they act on?