Creado por Dani Young
hace más de 2 años
What are the four sub groups that the working age population is divided into?
What are the three commonly reported ratios derived from the working age population sub groups?
What is Employment Rent?
What is a Labour Union?
What are the four functions of money?
What is Base Money?
What is Bank Money?
Broad Money
What is a balance sheet?
What is Net worth?
What is the Policy Rate?
What is the Bank Lending Rate?
Government Bond
What is a Yield?
Present Value
What is a Reserve balance?
What is a Banks own Financial assets?
Bank Deposits
Secured borrowing
Leverage Ratio
How to calculate the Marginal rate of transformation
Diminishing marginal returns to consumption
Discount rate
Pure impatience
Okun's Law
Aggregate output
Value added
Government Transfers
Self insurance
Capacity utilisation rate
Investment coordination game
Consumer price index (CPI)
GDP Deflator
What is autonomous consumption, and what is autonomous demand?
Multiplier process
Marginal Propensity to Consume
Marginal Propensity to import
consumption Function
Investment Function
Goods market equilibrium
Target wealth
Financial Accelerator
Automatic Stabilisers
Fiscal stimulus
Paradox of Thrift
Government Budget balance
Government budget deficit
Government budget surplus
Primary deficit
Sovereign debt crisis
Positive Feedback
Negative feedback
Aggregate economy side components of supply and demand
Long run, medium run and short run models
Real interest rate
Protectionist policies
Bargaining gap
Market Interest rate or Bank lending rate
Asset prices
Profit expectations and confidence
What component of AD equation represents consumption spending?
What component of AD equation represents the interest rate?
What component of AD equation represents Investment
What are the two Important Limitations to the usefulness of monetary policy in stabalisation?
Zero lower bound
Quantitative easing
Supply shock
Demand shock
Capacity constrained
Creative destruction
Marginal product of capital
Diminishing marginal product of capital
Beveridge curve
Labour market matching
Diffusion Gap
Adjustment Gap