Creado por Ben C
hace más de 9 años
PRE 1918
What is a Burgfrieden?
What did this mean?
What happened towards the end of the war, in terms of the power of the Kaiser and why?
What is the OHL and what does it stand for?
Towards the end of the war, what was the political split in Germany, in terms of left and right and why?
Which party gained support over the last years of the war, how much support, and why?
What is a revolution?
In simple terms, what was the revolution from above?
What and when was the first BIG political change in transforming Germany into a democratic government?
What were the three main reasons for the change in political direction?
Give evidence for why impending military defeat was a cause for the change in political direction.
Give evidence for why the allies were a cause for the change in political direction.
Give 2 reasons why General Ludendorff was a cause for the change in political direction.
In simple terms, what was the revolution from below?
What were the October reforms?
What was the German Revolution?
What happened in late October in terms of the navy?
What happened as a direct result of the mutinies?
What happened politically in order to prevent a full scale revolution?
What did the SPD split into?
Who was the major split between and why?
What happened on the 9th November 1918?
Did this work? If not, why?
What was the biggest difference between the USPD and Spartacists, and MSPD?
What further 3 differences developed in December 1918?
What was the significance of the SPD split (3 things)?