Creado por Chris Harper
hace más de 11 años
Section 4 defence of Contempt of Court
Section 4(2) of the Contempt of Court Act 1981
Section 5 defence of the Contempt of Court Act 1981
Clause 6 of the PCC Code
What are the requirements to be a coroner?
What powers does a coroner have?
Clause 1 of the PPC Code
Indictable only
Clause 2 of the PPC Code
Certain categories where a coroner can investigate death
Purpose of inquests into deaths
Either Way
When must a inquest be held by a jury?
Actus Reus
Definitions of treasure
Mens Rea
Another name for magistrates
What is Bail and name the Act?
Suspended Sentence
Community order
State the strict liability rule of the Contempt of Court Act 1981
When are criminal proceedings active?
When do criminal proceedings cease to be active?
Do proceedings become active when an appeal is lodged?
What did the Attorney General say about police appeals?
Section 3 defence for Contempt of Court 1981
Name material which could cause contempt
Name the 3 things the courts consider whether or not the publication could cause contempt