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Learning Outcome

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Discuss the use of brain imaging technologies (forexample, CAT, PET, fMRI) in investigating therelationship between biological factors andbehavior.fMRI (FunctionalMagnetic ResonanceImaging)CAT (Computerized AxialTomography)PET (PositronEmissionTopographyThe fMRI portrays brain activityindicating the active parts of thebrain which influence behavior.A three dimensional projectedimage of the brain operatedthrough magnetic fields andradio waves.Biological Factors &behaviorIllustrates the level of glucosemetabolism in the brain, the higher theglucose level the higher rate of brainactivity.A study conducted by Maguire et al. inthe year 2000 utilizes MRI scans toinvestigate the relationships betweenbiological factors and behaviourThe aim was to investigate whether or not thehippocampus plays a role in humanspatial memoryThe target population were London taxi drivers with atwo-year training course and healthy males who didnot drive taxis.A visual colored displayof brain activity whereradioactive tracers areabsorbed.The red indicates the area withmost brain activity while theblue areas indicate the least brain activity.The procedure was to scan the structure of theirhippocampi of both the taxi drivers and the healthymen.As a result taxi drivers left and right hippocampihad a larger volume compared to thenon-taxi drivers. Some parts of thehippocampi were smaller in the taxidrivers.Maguire concluded that there wasprobably a redistribution of grey matter inthe hippocampi of taxi drivers due to theregular use of the spatial memory skillsrequired to remember roads; the neuronsare stronger in areas of the brain which areused most.Biological Factors & behaviorA study conducted by Tierney et al. in 2001which utilizes PET scans to investigate the resultof brain damage.The aim was to evaluate, using PET scans, thebilingual language compensation followingearly childhood brain damageThe target population were 12 participants, who were fluent in signlanguage as well as MA.Background: A 37 year old man (MA)with normal speech functions participate in a normal speech study, it wasthen discovered that he had a lesion in his left frontallobe. A result of encephalitis hesuffered at the age of 6 weeks.Both his parents were deaf and he used signlanguage at home.Researchers were curious to know if this mighthave had something to do with his ability tospeak despite the brain damage, that shouldhave prevented him from doing so.The procedure: PET scanning technologies were used while the participantsproduced narrative speech or signs.As a result MA's right hemisphere was more active than the others' during the production of both speech andsign language.As a conclusion language function seems to have developed in the right hemisphere instead of the lefthemisphere as an adaptation following his early brain damageBiological Factor linkedback to damage to brain,and specific areas. Behaviorlinked back to language, andlanguage acquisitionBiological Factor linked back to brainareas, such as hippocampi.Behavior linked back to memory.Special X-ray tests that producecross-sectional images of the brain usingX-rays and a computer.Haz doble clic en este nodo para editar el textoHaz clic en este nodo y arrástralo para crear uno nuevo