Creado por Kyle Peters
hace más de 1 año
What is the primary feature of Node's build model?
What is the concept of asychronicity?
Does Node support multiple threads?
How does Node handle media buffering?
Why use Node rather than a traditional model like the LAMP stack?
What is the method for including an installed Node module in a working file?
What is a callback?
What is the difference between an event and a callback?
What is the basic syntax for binding an event handler?
What is a Node Buffer Object?
How do Buffer Objects work?
How does one 'stringify' the encoded octets of a Buffer object?
Can a Buffer object be parsed into JSON?
What are the main strategies for state management in Node?
Is it possible to iterate through objects in Node?
What are the 3 features intended to help ensure that callback nesting is handled cleanly and asynchronously?
When will process.nextTick() execute?
What is the best method for handling cascading functions that may overlap in processing time?
What is the purpose of setImmediate()?
What is the order of queue execution in Node?