A 70 year old is is intubated and ventilated post-laparotomy. He has CSL running @60ml/hr, with an NGT on suction with continuing high output. His ABG shows an appropriate pO2, pCO2 32, pH 7.66, Na 144, K 3.5, Cl 76. He has a normal creatinine and raised urea. How should you improve his acid base status? (Had a very very very long stem, with very long answers, but this was the gist, and I'm pretty confident with the answers except the first 2 fluid options).
Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:
Leave minute ventilation unchanged, (?leave fluids unchanged), commence PPI
Leave minute ventilation unchanged, (?leave fluids unchanged), commence acetazolamide
Increase minute ventilation, change IVF to normal saline, commence PPI
Increase minute ventilation, increase the fluid rate, commence acetazolamide
Increase minute ventilation, leave fluids unchanged, commence acetazolamide