Creado por Diane Paddock
hace alrededor de 1 año
What are the 5 steps to a Risk Assessment?
What is a Risk Assessment?
what is a Method Statement?
What is a Hazard?
What is a Risk?
What is a Competent Person?
Why do you need to report accidents and near misses?
What is a Near Miss?
State 2 responsibilities of an Employer in the construction workplace
State 4 responsibilities of employees in the construction workplace
Why are the intentions f Health and Safety Regulations and laws ?
What is an Accident Form?
What does The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM 2015) do?
What is the aim of Health and Safety legislation?
What does legislation mean in Health and Safety?
is a method statement required by law?
Is a Risk Assessment required by law?
What is the name of the regulation for wearing PPE?
What regulation covers Risk Assessment in construction?
What is the Health and Safety etc at Work Act 1974
Who is responsible for writing the Method Statement and Risk Assessment?