Is a crude oil a mixture of many hydrocarbons?
Click what a hydrocarbon is made from...
Made from carbon atoms and others.
Made from hydrogen and carbon and oxygen atoms.
Made from hydrogen and carbon ONLY.
Click all that apply...
Why are fossil fuels described as finite resources and non-renewable?
They never run out.
Finite resources are no longer being made or are being made very slowly. Non-renewable energy resources are used up faster than they can be replaced.
They run out eventually.
Tick ALL problems that are associated with the finite nature of crude oil...
All the readily extractable resources will be used up in the future.
The species of synthesised unicorns depend on drinking the crude oil in order to retain their sparkly awesomeness.
Finding replacements.
Conflict between making petrochemicals and fuels.
In the fractional distillation of crude oil:- Crude oil is The fractionating column has a temperature ( at the top and at the bottom). Fractions containing of hydrocarbons are obtained. The fractions contain many substances with boiling points. Fractions with low boiling points exit from the of the column. Fractions with high boiling points exit from the of the fractionating column.
LPG contains and
Click the potential environmental problems involved in the transportation of crude oil...
Damage to birds' feathers, causing death.
Detergent used to clean up oil slicks and consequent damage to wildlife.
It'll make the clouds sad.
The hydrocarbons in crude oil can be separated by fractional distillation because the bonds between carbon and hydrogen atoms within a hydrocarbon are than the intermolecular forces between hydrocarbon molecules.
Intermolecular means during boiling, intermolecular forces are but bonds are not.
Intermolecular forces between large hydrocarbon molecules are than those between smaller hydrocarbon molecules.
Check the political problems associated with the exploitation of crude oil...
UK depends on oil and gas from politically unstable countries.
Future supply issues.
The Dwarves will finally have enough and start a rebellion led by an inner group enigmatically named 'The BrotherHood'.
Cracking crude oil fractions:-
Coverts alkane molecules into smaller molecules . Uses an catalyst at a temperature. The alkene molecules made are useful because they can be used to make
When crude oil is distilled the volume of each fraction is not the same, we get too many hydrocarbons than are needed and not enough short-chain hydrocarbons (e.g. ) to meet the demand for them. Cracking helps an oil refinery match its supply of useful products (such as petrol) to the for them.
List the seven factors to consider when choosing the best fossil fuel:-
T❌ (of fumes)
❌ U❌ (light it easily? move it easily?)
P❌ (green house effect/smoke)
❌ (space used)
The amount of fossil fuels being burnt is increasing because of the growth of use in developing countries like India and China, and the world population is increasing... IS THIS TRUE?
Choose the word and symbol equations for the complete combustion of a hydrocarbon fuels e.g. methane. (CH4)
CH4 + 2O2 - 2CO2 + H2O
CO4+ 2CH + H2O