Creado por maddygoldie
hace alrededor de 9 años
Risk Management
Peak Experience
Risky shift
3 types of risk
First step for effective accident management (emergency response)
Stop! Survey the scene:
1. Danger
2. Determine mechanism of injury
Stop! Survey the scene:
3. Establish body substance isolation
4. Determine number of patients
5. Form general impression of patient
Second step for effective accident management (emergency response)
Primary Survey:
1. Response
2. Airway
Primary Survey:
3. Breathing
4. Circulation
Primary Survey:
5. Disability
6. Exposure
Third step for effective accident management (emergency response)
Secondary Survey:
1. Head to toe survey
Secondary Survey:
2. Vital Signs
Secondary Survey:
3. Patient History
Fourth step for effective accident management (emergency response)
Patient Care and Monitoring:
What is shock and its symptoms?
Patient Care and Monitoring:
How do you manage shock?
Fifth step for effective accident management (emergency response)
Documentation and Accident Report Forms:
Why is it important to record and keep on file all accidents? (3)
What is it?
What causes it? (5 ion)
How to prevent it?
Symptoms at different stages?
2. Management
How do you manage someone with hypothermia?
1. What is it?
2. What causes hyperthermia?
1. What are the symptoms of heat exhaustion?
2. What is the treatment?
1. What is heat stroke?
2. Symptoms of heat stroke
3. Treatment of heat stroke
Risk Identification
Causal factors and controls
What is risk assessment?
Risk Management Reduction Strategies:
What are two examples of safety policies and guidelines?
Risk Management Reduction Strategies:
List 4 other reduction strategies?
What is the difference between social and psychological factors contributing to risk?
What are two purposes of monitoring and evaluating risk management plans?
Whats the difference between EPIRB and PLB?
What are the three types of radios and uses?
Who organises a search, rescue and evacuation?
What are the three stages of a land search?
What are the types of searches? (3)
What are the types of searches? (3)
What are three methods of evacuation?
What are the two types of evacuation procedures?
SOAP note