Creado por Michael Mazulis
hace más de 9 años
T1A02 Which agency regulates and enforces the rules for the Amatuer Radio Service in the United States?
T1A01 Which of the following is a purpose of the Amateur Radio Service as stated in the FCC rules and regulations?
T1A12 Which of the following is a permissible use of the Amateur Radio Service?
T1A05 Which of the following is a purpose of the Amateur Radio Service rules and regulations as defined by the FCC?
T1C13 For which licenses classes are new licenses currently available from the FCC?
T1C10 How soon after passing the examination for your first amateur radio license may you operate a transmitter on an amateur service frequency?
T1C08 What is the normal term for an FCC-issued primary station/operator amateur radio license grant?
T1C09 What is the grace period following the expiration of an amateur license within which the license may be renewed?
T1C11 If your license has expired and is still within the allowable grace period, may you continue to operate a transmitter on amateur service frequencies?
T1A10 What is the FCC Part 97 definition of an amateur station?