Ecology definition
Population definition
Ecosystems definition
Birth rate definition
Population definition
Community definition
Habitat definition
Immigration definition
Equilibrium species definition
Ecosystem changes
Ecosystem changes pt 2
Factors controlling population size
Ecosystem changes pt 3 population
Things affecting population size
What determines population size
Population size- fugitive/ equilibrium
Equilibrium species
Diagram of pop growth
Niche definition
Population size- lag phase
Growth curve- what is it
One step growth curve- bacteria
One step growth curve- animals- lag/ log phase
One step growth curve- animals-stationary phase
One step growth curve- animals-death phase
Environmental resistance and carrying capacity
Negative feedback example
Calculating pop increase from a graph
other calculations
Factors that regulate population increase- density dependent
Factors that regulate population increase- density independent
Populations fluctuate in numbers
look at diagram for negative feedback
Abundance and distribution of organisms in a habitat
New habitat
Measuring abundance
Measuring abundance plant species
Measuring distribution
measuring distribution pt 2
Kite diagram
Ecosystems can be...
Ecosystem examples
Energy and ecosystems
Energy and ecosystems pt2
Continuation of theory
Biotic components of an ecosystem- habitats
Biotic components of an ecosystem- Communities
Community ecology
Biotic components of an ecosystem- biomass transfer
Food chains
Why does only small proportion of energy reach plant as light is incorporated into plants tissues
Food chains pt2
Difference- detritivores and decomposers
Food web chains and their length
Food chain pt 2
look at diagram photosynthetice efficiency
Photosynthetic efficiency- maths
Primary productivity
Primary productivity pt 2
Energy flow through food chains
Why is energy lost along food chain
Herbivores vs carnivores
Fate of energy in consumers
Calculating efficiency of enregy transfer
Ecological pyramids
Ecologocal pyramids- pros and cons
Pyramid of numbers pros and cons
Pyramid of energy
Pyramid of biomass pt 1
pyramid of biomass judgement
pyramid of biomass judgement pt 2
Inverted pyramid of biomass
Community and Succession
Succession- general definition
Primary succession/ climax community
Primary succession and seral stages
Primary succession stage 1- pioneer species
Primary succession stage pt2
Primary succession stage- pt 3
Primary succession- stage 4
Primary succession- stage 5
Primary succession pt 6
Climatic climax community
The climax community is balanced with...
Secondary succession
primary and secondary compare
Sometimes disclimax can be good for other species
Factors affecting succession
Types of competition/ how does it affect succession
Types of competition/ how does it affect succession pt 2
recycling nutrients
Carbon cycle
What human act causes more CO2 to be released
Carbon cycle- 3 major processes
Carbon cycle- where is carbon stored
Carbon cycle photosynthesis
Carbon cycle- sedimentation
Carbon cycle - respiration
Carbon cycle- feeding and decomposition
carbon cycle diagram- save my exams
In aquatic ecosystems
Human impact on carbon cycle
Greenhouse effect
Global warming
global warming effects
Global warming effects pt2
Global warming and farming-CO2
Global warming and farming-methane
Global warming and farming-methane- pt2
Global warming and farming-others
Carbon footprint
Indirect sources of greenhouse gases for plants
To reduce production of greenhouse gases
Nitrogen cycle