Ecology definition
Population definition
Ecosystems definition
Birth rate definition
Population definition
Community definition
Habitat definition
Immigration definition
Equilibrium species definition
Ecosystem changes
Factors controlling population size
Population size- fugitive/ equilibrium
Diagram of pop growth
Niche definition
Population size- lag phase
Growth curve- what is it
One step growth curve- bacteria
One step growth curve- animals- lag/ log phase
One step growth curve- animals-stationary phase
One step growth curve- animals-death phase
Environmental resistance and carrying capacity
Factors that regulate population increase- density dependent
Factors that regulate population increase- density independent
Populations fluctuate in numbers
look at diagram for negative feedback
Abundance and distribution of organisms in a habitat
New habitat
Measuring abundance
Measuring abundance plant species
Measuring distribution
measuring distribution pt 2
Kite diagram
Ecosystem examples
Energy and ecosystems pt2
Continuation of theory
Biotic components of an ecosystem- habitats
Community ecology
Biotic components of an ecosystem- biomass transfer
Food chains
Why does only small proportion of energy reach plant as light is incorporated into plants tissues
Food web chains and their length
look at diagram photosynthetice efficiency
Photosynthetic efficiency- maths
Gross Primary productivity
Energy flow through food chains- primary/ secondary productivity
Why is energy lost along food chain
Calculating efficiency of enregy transfer
Ecological pyramids
Ecologocal pyramids- pros and cons
Pyramid of numbers pros and cons
Pyramid of energy
Pyramid of biomass pt 1
pyramid of biomass judgement
pyramid of biomass judgement pt 2
Inverted pyramid of biomass
Community and Succession
Primary succession/ climax community
Primary succession stage 1- pioneer species
Primary succession stage pt2
Primary succession stage- pt 3
Primary succession- stage 4/ 5
Primary succession pt 6
Climatic climax community/ The climax community is balanced with...
Secondary succession
Sometimes disclimax can be good for other species
Primary succession- stage 5
Types of competition/ how does it affect succession
Types of competition/ how does it affect succession pt 2
recycling nutrients
Carbon cycle
What human act causes more CO2 to be released
Carbon cycle- where is carbon stored
Carbon cycle photosynthesis
Carbon cycle- sedimentation
Carbon cycle - respiration
Carbon cycle- feeding and decomposition
carbon cycle diagram- save my exams
In aquatic ecosystems
Human impact on carbon cycle- climate change
Greenhouse effect
global warming effects
Global warming effects pt2
Global warming and farming-CO2
Global warming and farming-methane
Global warming and farming-methane- pt2
Global warming and farming-others
Carbon footprint
Indirect sources of greenhouse gases for plants
To reduce production of greenhouse gases
Nitrogen cycle