Creado por JoseFINE Capolingua
hace alrededor de 9 años
(5) Functions of the Skeleton.
(3) Types of Bones.
Axial Skeleton.
Appendicular Skeleton.
Bone Structure.
The Vertebral Column.
(5) Functions of the Muscular System.
(3) Types of Muscles.
Voluntary Muscles.
Involuntary Muscles.
Cardiac Muscle.
Muscle Movement.
Muscle Fibres.
(2) Types.
Slow Twitch (red) Fibres.
Fast Twitch (white) Fibres.
(3) Major Joints.
Fibrous Joints.
Cartilaginous Joints.
Synovial Joints.
(6) Types of Synovial Joints.
Gliding Joint.
Ball and Socket Joint.
Hinge Joint.
Saddle Joint.
Pivot Joint.
Ovoid Joint.
Anatomical Position.
Posterior and Anterior.
Superior and Inferior.
Medial and Lateral.
Proximal and Distal.
Superficial and Deep.
(12) Movements at Joints.
Flexion and Extension.
Supination and Pronation.
Dorsi and Plantar Flexion.
Abduction and Adduction.
Eversion and Inversion.
Antagonist Pairs.
Origin and Insertion.
Sliding Filament Theory.
List the (3) Steps.
Actin and Myosin.
(3) Planes of the Body.