
Q2 Social Review (pgs. 64-65)

Pregunta 1 de 10


When family members have different wishes, what should they do?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Follow the wishes of the children.

  • Make an agreement (การตกลง) within the family.

  • Let everyone do as he or she wishes.

  • Follow the wishes of the parents.


Pregunta 2 de 10


Which one is not a child's right?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Right to live

  • Right to go to school

  • Right to get married

  • Right to see a doctor


Pregunta 3 de 10


Who does not do the right thing?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Kevin leaves his dog on the street.

  • Nanny helps her neighbors to clean up the neighborhood.

  • Paul crosses the street at the pedestrian crossing.

  • Ben keeps silent (quiet) in the library.


Pregunta 4 de 10


Who is the leader of a school?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • sub-district leader

  • Village leader

  • School director

  • Class monitor


Pregunta 5 de 10


Which is a gesture (action) made to show respect?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Hugging

  • Shaking hands

  • Wai

  • All of the above (all are correct)


Pregunta 6 de 10


Who exercises (uses) their right correctly?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Nancy wears a miniskirt to school.

  • Teddy earns money by stealing from his neighbor's.

  • James does not listen to others because he is the smartest boy in his class.

  • Kara returns the books she borrows from the library


Pregunta 7 de 10


Which one is not a school rule?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • All students must dress properly to school.

  • All students can drive a car to school.

  • All students must keep quiet in the school library.

  • All students must take part in the school activities.


Pregunta 8 de 10


Why must we use the public facilities (สิ่งอำนวยความสะดวก) in our village properly (the right way)?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Because it is a rule.

  • Because it belongs to everyone.

  • Because it is expensive (costs a lot).

  • All of the above


Pregunta 9 de 10


Which one is the right thing to do so that we can live happily with others in the community?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Respect community rules and regulations.

  • Keep to yourself and do not care about others.

  • Take care of your own family and ignore others.

  • Do whatever you want to do as long as it makes you happy.


Pregunta 10 de 10


You have certain rights and freedoms in school. Which one of the following is not one of those rights?

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • Taking part (playing) in sports

  • Borrowing books from the school library

  • Writing your name on the walls of the toilet

  • Voting (การลงคะแนนเสียงเลือกตั้ง) to choose the student leader
