Creado por Emily Deragon
hace 6 meses
CPL 270 Trial Jury
Trial by jury consists on how many jurors? Alternate jurors MAY/MUST be selected and sworn.
CPL 270
True or False?
the panel from which the jury is drawn and selected is prescribed by judicial law. the first 12 members of the panel returned for the term who appear as their names are drawn and called, and who are not excluded MUST BE SWORN AND CONSTITUTE THE TRIAL JURY
CPL 270.10
true or false?
a challenge to the entire panel MAY be made only by the prosecutor
CPL 270.10
challenge to the panel must be made before/after the selection of the jury commences. such challenge must be made in writing.
CPL 270.10
if a challenge to the panel is allowed, court must do what?
CPL 270.10
a defendant may challenge the entire panel due to what?
CPL 270.15
Prospective jurors must sworn when?
CPLE 2701.15
after prospective jurors are sworn, additional jurors are then called to fill the remaining places in the jury box, and the same procedure followed until jury is complete. The first Juror drawn must designated as what?
CPL 270.15
who gets to challenge prospective jurors for cause first?
CPL 270.15
if the people's challenge for cause is allowed what will happen to the prospective juror?
CPL 270.15
if either party requests, challenges for cause and peremptory challenges MUST/MAY be made within the court room, but outside of the hearing of the prospective jurors
CPL 270.15
true or false?
when a challenge for cause or peremptory challenge is made outside of the hearing of prospective jurors, the prospective juror who is selected must retain their place in the jury box and immediate be sworn as trial juror
CPL 270.16 Capital Case
true or false?
attorneys for capital cases can question jurors individual in the presence of the rest of the jurors as to their qualification, including any racial bias juror may have
CPL 270.20
Challenge for cause may ONLY be made on what 6 grounds?
CPL 270.25
what is peremptory challenge?
CPL 270.25
how many peremptory challenges for a Class "A" felony?
CPL 270.25
how many peremptory challenges for class "B" felony or "C" felony
CPL 270.25
how many peremptory challenges for all other cases? (Class D, E felony and all misdemeanors)
CPL 270.25
true or false?
where there is more than 1 defendant, the majority of the defendants must join in a peremptory challenge, otherwise it must be disallowed (Majority Rules)
CPL 270.30
how many alternates can their be in criminal cases (range)
CPL 270.30
In any prosecution in which the people seek a sentence of death, the court SHALL/SHALL NOT discharge the alternate jurors when jury retires to deliberate
CPL 270.30
the same process for the selection of regular jurors is used for alternate jurors. What is the exception?
CPL 270.35
if the jury has begun its deliberations and an alternate juror is needed, the defendant must ____ to such replacement. Such ___ must be in writing and signed by the defendant in person and in open court
CPL 270.40
true or false?
after the jury has been sworn and before the peoples opening address, the court must instruct the jury concerning its basic functions duties and conduct
CPL 270.40
may the court allow jurors to separate during recesses and adjournments or direct they be kept together under the supervision of an appropriate public servant?
CPL 270.50
During a viewing of the premises the jury must be kept together under the supervision of an appropriate public servant and the court MUST/MAY be present
CPL 270.50
during the viewing of the premises the prosecutor, defendant, and counsel of defendant MUST/MAY be present, but such right may be waived
CPL 270.50
the purpose of the viewing is to permit a visual observation of the premises of the place in question. May the court, parties, counsel, or jurors engage in discussion or argument at this time?
CPL 270.55
true or false?
in capital cases, during the period extending from the guilty verdict charging murder in the first degree until the sentence deliberations, the court MAY permit jurors to separate during recess or be kept together under the supervision of an appropriate public servant