What is 'Exchange Rate'?
is the different currencies
is the price for buying or selling the different currencies
is the price for buying good
How to calculate currency exchange?
Amount of sterling x Exchange rate = Price of buying the currency
Amount of sterling + Exchange rate = Price of buying the currency
Amount of sterling - Exchange rate = Price of buying the currency
Most popular currency?
Euro, Danish kroner
Danish kroner, Hong Kong dollars
Euro, Pound Sterling
Where can you exchange money abroad?
Foreign exchange office and banks
What ATM stands for?
Automatic time machines
Automated trust machines
Automated teller machines
What 'currency' is?
is a unit of money used by all of the people within a country to buy and sell goods and services
is a unit of notes used by people
is bank notes and coins
Euro is a legal tender
The euro is the legal tender currency used in 16 of the 28 countries that make up the European Union