Creado por Haley Cordova
hace más de 9 años
6 "rights" of medication adminstration
1 cc = ?
5 routes of medication administration
Enteral route
6 parenteral routes
Intradermal injections are administered at what angle?
What angle are subq injections given at?
Angle for intramuscular injections
Typical sites for IM injections
Which IM injection site should be avoided in children under 5?
What is the preferred IM injection site for children under 5?
Locking device that holds needle by twisting
Rapid injection of a large dose of contrast medium to increase opacification of blood vessels
How high above vein should Standard Gravity Flow IV be?
Code Red
Code Blue
Code Orange
Code Grey
Code Pink
Code Yellow
Code Clear
Code Silver
Normal flow rate for oxygen administration
Trauma flow rate for oxygen administration
Maximum flow rate for oxygen administration
Normal oxygen concentration
Simplest oxygen administration route
Delivers 24% to 45% oxygen at a rate of 1 to 6 L/min
Provides oxygen and humidity for short term use
40% to 60% oxygen at 1 to 10 L/min
100% oxygen in bag
Provides different percentage of oxygen as needed
40% to 70%
Allows precise control of oxygen percentage
Which type of oxygen administration is commonly used for patients with COPD?
High rate of oxygen and humidity, often used in pediatrics
For long-term use with critical patients
Life support
Where should tip of endotracheal tube be located in a chest radiograph?
Surgical opening through neck to trachea
Pulmonary embolism
Treatment for PE
Acute Coronary Syndrome
Angina pectoris
Treatment for angina pectoris
Cardiac arrest
Lack of circulation will cause brain damage in ________ minutes
Minimal tissue damage to brain
Temporary mild disruption of physiological activity
Signs and symptoms of increased cranial pressure (due to bleeding and swelling)
4 levels of consciousness
Blood in pleural space
Air in pleural space
Opening in chest wall with tube inserted into pleural cavity
Flail chest
Bleeding into the pericardium causing increased pressure that compromises heart function
When sutures break open
First degree burn
Second degree burn
Third degree burn
When radiographing burn patients what type of isolation should be employed?
Most accurate indicator of shock
Hypovolemic Shock
Septic Shock
Neurogenic shock
Cardiogenic shock
How to treat shock
Psychological Shock
Common, normal side effects of contrast injection
Mild reaction to contrast
Intermediate reaction to contrast
Anaphylaxis/Severe allergic reaction to contrast
Vasovagal reaction
Diabetes Insipidus
Diabetes Mellitus
DM Type I
DM Type II
Diabetic ketoacidosis
Cerebrovascular accident
Warning signs of CVA
Grand mal
Petit mal
Absence seizure
Medical asepsis
Surgical asepsis
Chemical sterilization
Conventional gas sterilization
Gas plasma sterilzation
Dry heat
How far up arms do you scrub during surgical hand scrub?
How long should you scrub hands during surgical hand scrub?
Closed gloving method
Open gloving method