he cells in cartilage which produce collagen fibres are called chondroblasts - a type of fibroblast.
Within the ground substance there GAG chains. GAGS chains are ❌ charged and therefore attract positively charged ❌. This creates an ❌ gradient which draws water towards the GAG chains. This means that cartilage has a high ❌ content. Due to the fact that the GAG chains are negatively charged, the chains repel each other which creates an internal ❌. When cartilage is put under tension, for example in the movement of a joint, the GAG chains are forced closer together. This forces water out of the cartilage tissue and into the ❌ fluid. The water that leaves cartilage contains any waste products (e.g carbon dioxide). As the tension is reduced the GAG chains will spring back to their original position. This draws water back into the cartilage and brings with it dissolved oxygen and nutrients. This process is known as ❌ or synovial sweep. This process is essential for supply of oxygen and nutrients due to the fact that cartilage does not have it's own ❌ supply.
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hydrokinetic transport
hydrokinetic transport