Creado por Hanna Suárez
hace casi 9 años
Hercampuri(Gentianella alborosea)
is a plant , origined in the sierra of peru , it is ingested and reportedly used to lower cholesterol and have better circulation plus it serves as a protector for the liver and metabolic regulator .
floripondios ( Brugmansia arborea )
is a kind of shrub with fragrant flowers , one of the biggest flowers found in bushes , they only bloom from summer to fall .
agouti ( Central American Agouti )
is a specie of rodent found in Peru and rarely in Mexico , it is a diurnal animal and mainly feed on fruits , used as shelter burrows .
Titi monkey
( pygmy marmoset )
is a species of primate is known to be extremely small, is the smallest species of monkey in the world, within the titi monkey there are many categories but this grows to 14-18 cm