A amaitzen da:
Zeri buruz egin dugu lana?
B dauka:
Ze ibai esan dugu emaritsua eta luzea dela?
C dauka:
Nola deitzen zen Italiako erregeak?
D dauka:
Italian ze baso da landaredia nagusiena?
Baso m...
E dauka:
Erakutsi dizuegun mendien argazkia, ze mendiak ziren?
F hazten da:
Gure iritzian esan dugu:
Italia leku politak eta f... ditu.
G hazten da:
Nola deitzen da gure iritzian aipatu dugun atrakzio parkea?
H hazten da:
Nola dira temperaturak neguan?
I dauka:
Zein da bigarren platerrik tipikoena Italian?
J hazten da:
Lau Itsaso inguratzen dute Italia:Liguria, Tirreno, Adriático eta J...
K dauka:
Ze mapa mota da ahu?
L hazten da:
Zer da Italian Sergio Mattarella?
M dauka:
Zein da Italiako kapitala?
N dauka:
Italiako beheko partean, ze itsaso oso handia dago?
Adi egon bazara:
Ze letra doa horain Hitz pasan?
O amaitzen da:
Nola deitzen zioten Italiarrek bere izozki artesanalari?
P dauka:
Udan zer dira beroak?
Start with Q:
What politik sistem dont have in italy?
Start with R:
What is the largest religion in Italy?
End with S:
In Italia live exactly 57.015.625...?
Have T:
What is the European country which has the largest acreage organically?
Have U:
Name one of the religions in Italy that have U.
Start with V:
What shold in specialized organic shops?
Fruits and v...
Start with W:
Translate the Word in brackets: The Italian organic sector has (mostrado)one of the highest average ...
Have X:
Few supermarkets sold organic convenience foods, such as pasta, tomato sauce, etc, because only a few people can ... the money there.
End with Y:
Our work is about?
Have Z:
Game: you have to tell us any word that have Z. You have 30 second and the word have to be in English.