Creado por hannah ruskin
hace más de 9 años
Metals are extracted from their ores.
Many copper ores contain only 2% of copper compounds.
Copper is now extracted from ores containing a low percentage of copper compounds.
Suggest two reasons why
Suggest one reason why it is difficult to dispose of the waste rock.
The reaction in the furnace could cause environmental pollution.
Explain how.
The extraction of pure copper is expensive.
Give one reason why.
Pure copper is produced by electrolysis of copper sulfate solution.
Which electrode do the copper ions move towards?
Give a reason for your answer
Name the type of reaction that releases energy from a fuel.
Fuels react with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide.
The reaction of a fuel with oxygen can produce a different oxide of carbon.
Name this different oxide of carbon and explain why it is produced.
Alloys are used to make the ballpoint pen.
Give two reasons why alloys are used in the ballpoint pen.
Describe, in terms of molecules, how poly(ethene) is produced.
Hydrocarbons and calcium carbonate contain locked up carbon dioxide.
What is locked up carbon dioxide?
Describe Wegener’s idea of how Earth’s continents formed.
Describe how the process of fermentation is done.
Carbon neutral fuels do not increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Suggest why using a biofuel, such as ethanol or rapeseed oil, is thought to be
carbon neutral.
When any fuel from the table is used in a car engine, the exhaust gases contain
nitrogen oxides.
Explain why.