Creado por reynoldslaura
hace alrededor de 11 años
What are the internal pharangeal muscles?
What is the innervation of stylopharangeus?
What three muscles make up the external layer of the pharynx?
What are the three parts to the pharynx?
What spinal level does the laryngopharynx lie at?
Which is the only part of the pharynx that food doesn't pass?
Where is the laryngopharynx in relation to the larynx?
What is the action of the internal muscle layer of the pharynx?
What nerve supplies the cricothyroid muscle?
What nerve supplies all other muscles of the larynx?
What muscles act to adduct the vocal folds?
What muscle acts to abduct the vocal folds?
What is the action of cricothyroid?
what is vocalis?
What is the function of vocalis?