Creado por Luke Hansford
hace alrededor de 9 años
What is the process for designing a power system?
What is the purpose of a diode in a circuit?
Why are separation switches used?
What does a power block diagram look like?
When power budgeting what do we design for?
What are the different types of power cells?
Give a use for each of them
Which power type is high/low in power, specific power, cost, hardness to radiation and maneuverability? (don't need to know specific values just whether high or low)
What is the seebeck effect?
What are the disadvantages of RTG's?
What does a fuel cell look like?
Describe how it works
What are the advantages and disadvantages of solar cells?
What are solar cells coated for?
When do solar cells deliver max Power?
What alters the shape of the IV curve?
What is the difference between short circuit and an open circuit?
What advances have there been in solar tech?
How are solar arrays designed in order to obtain required power?
What is the problem with non illuminated cells?
What is the array area equation?
What is the difference in battery requirement for LEO and GEO orbits?
What is the difference between primary and secondary batteries?
What does depth of discharge mean?
What are the different secondary battery types?
What is the memory effect?
What functions do power control electronics perform?
How many solar cells and strings are needed for a bus voltage of 28V and power of 112W, if each cell is 0.5V and 0.05A? (Assume no losses).
How do solar dynamic generators work?
What are the disadvantages of solar dynamic generators?
Is an 80% or 50% DoD better
How can we improve efficiency of photovoltaics?