Edit the following for the citation of a reference in text:
In three studies with college students, self-esteem was not longitudinally related to depression (Butler, A. C., et al., 1994; Lakey, B, 1998; Roberts, J. E., & Gotlib, 1997), and in a study of adolescents, self-esteem at age 14 did not predict depression at age 18 (Block, J. H., Gjerde, P. F., & Block, J. H., 1991).
Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:
In three studies with college students, self-esteem was not longitudinally related to depression (Butler, et al., 1994; Lakey, 1998; J. E. Roberts & Gotlib, 1997), and in a study of adolescents, self-esteem at age 14 did not predict depression at age 18 (Block, Gjerde, & Block, 1991).
In three studies with college students, self-esteem was not longitudinally related to depression (Butler, et al., 1994; Lakey, 1998; J. E. Roberts and Gotlib, 1997), and in a study of adolescents, self-esteem at age 14 did not predict depression at age 18 (Block, Gjerde, and Block, 1991).
In three studies with college students, self-esteem was not longitudinally related to depression (J. E. Roberts & Gotlib, 1997; Butler, et al., 1994; Lakey, 1998), and in a study of adolescents, self-esteem at age 14 did not predict depression at age 18 (Block, Gjerde, & Block, 1991).