Creado por harrymt
hace alrededor de 9 años
What are testing objectives?
What are the 2 types of testing strategies?
What is the direct testing objective?
What is the indirect testing objective?
What is Big bang testing?
What is incremental testing?
What are the 3 things incremental testing do?
What are Unit tests?
(incremental testing flow)
What are Integration tests?
(incremental testing flow)
What is a System test?
(incremental testing flow)
Big bang testing strategy cons?
Incremental testing pros?
Big Bang or incremental?
What is top-down testing strat?
What is bottom-up testing strat?
Bottom-up pro + con?
Top-down pro + con?
What is black-box testing?
What is white box testing?
Advantages of black box?
Disadvantages of black box?
Advantages of whitebox?
Disadvantages of white box?
What is path coverage?
What is line coverage?
How can we achieve full path coverage?
What are the 3 types of black box tests?
What are the 3 Revision factor testing classes for black box testing?
What are the 8 operation factor testing classes for black box testing?
What are the 4 Transition factor testing classes for black box testing?