Creado por ashiana121
hace alrededor de 9 años
In a global context, give one example as to why the issue of religious fundamentalism has emerged as a major concern?
Who provides our description of fundamentalism?
How does Giddens define fundamentalist?
They are _________ of other views and believe to possess the truth
They rely on the ___________ of tradition e.g clergy to interpret the text and lay down rules that determine their lifestyle
Fundamentalists hate _________
However they use modern methods to transmit their views and express their beliefs e.g ____________, internet, email and the electronic church
Gidden see's fundamentalism as a reaction to _____________
Globalisation ________ traditional norms e.g about gender and sexuality
Giddens contrasts fundamentalism with _____________
Cosmopolitanism is a way of thinking that embraces modernity, is tolerant, open and constantly reflects on and changes beliefs. What does Giddens call this?
Cosmopolitanism see's lifestyle as a personal choice rather than what?
Cosmopolitanism emphases the pursuit of personal meaning and self improvement rather than _________ to __________
What does reflexive thinking involve doing?
_____ believes that the main cause of fundamentalism is the perception by religious traditionalists that globalisation threatens their lifestyle and beliefs
What does this lead them to develop?
What typeof religions does Bruce see fundamentalism as confined to?
Why is this?
Bruce argues that while fundamentalists share the same characteristics such as ____ __ ___ _______ _______ ___ ______ ___, different fundamentalist movements have different origins
In the West, what is fundamentalism usually a reaction to?
Give an example of these changes
So, what has the New Christian right in America developed in opposition to?
In the Third World, what is fundamentalism usually a reaction to?
Give and example
In these situations, fundamentalism involves resistance to what?