Which one is the correct sentence?
A group of words that make sense
A group of words that doesn't make sense
One word
Which one is a sentence?
i woke up at 8 this morning.
I woke up at 8 this morning.
I woke up at 8 this morning
What is a verb?
A word that describes an action
A word that describes a thing
A word that describes a person
Which set of words contains adjectives only?
do, beautiful, take
interesting, man, class
beautiful, tall, interesting
What is a conjunction?
A verb
A word that connects two 'small' sentences
An adjective
Which word is an adverb?
Which set of words contains conjunctions only?
good, bad, nice, ugly
I, you, we, they
and, but, so, or, because
What is the basic sentence structure in English?
Select the best ending for this beginning: I can speak English so....
... I can study at university.
....I speak well.
....I like it.
Select the best ending for this beginning: I like working in a team but...
... I like ice-cream.
...I can also work alone.
... I speaks English.