Creado por Rachael Jones
hace casi 9 años
Piaget's 4 stages of development:
*development happens in stages, each stage is an adaptation to overcome egocentrism.
*Cognitive conflict
Describe Conservation Mass task.
*Transitive inference tasks.
*Class inclusion tasks
Describe the 'Three Mountains' task.
Describe the Naughty Teddy experiment (problems with Piagetian tests).
(Donaldson claims that the experiments lacked human sense!)
Describe Russell (1976) Conservation of area task (problems with Piagetian tests).
Inference by elimination (problems with Piagetian tasks).
Vygotsky's zone of proximal development
Constructivism (Piaget) versus Social-Constructivism (Vygotsky)
Russell (1982) Inter-cognitive conflict
Piagetian tasks comparing adolescent and child quality of formal-operational thinking
Johnson-Laird & Wason (1972)
card choice task
Elkind (1966) adolescent egocentrism
(intelligence) Define:
*Degree of relatedness
*crystallised and fluid intelligence
*The Flynn effect
*confluence theory
(intelligence) Describe:
*Co-variance between inheritance & environment
*Transactional process
List some environmental factors of children's intelligence:
Elardo et al. (1975) quality of family environment (intelligence)
Gibson & Walk (1960) babies depth perception
*Fogel & Melson (1988) eye fixation
*Bower (1982) mask
*Slater, Mattock and Bremner (1991) object recognition
Slater at al. (1990) infant depth/distance perception
Ghim (1990) infant shape discrimination
Thouless (1931) intellectual realism plate drawing
Intraub (1990) and Cohen & Bennett (1997) boundary extension
Freeman & Janikoun (1972) intellectual realism cups
Crook (1984) intellectual realism line continuation
Light & Mackintosh (1980) house beaker intellectual realism
Soley & Haigh (1958) children's preference for drawing human figures
Wimmer & Perner (1983) unexpected transfer test
Describe the deceptive box test/ state-change task.
Lewis et al. (1994) Radical conceptual shift
Onishi & Baillargeon (2005) evidence of theory of mind below age 4?
Mitchell et al. (1996) do adults sometimes have difficulty separating their own belief from other people's
Baron-Cohen et al. (1985) Children with autism and theory of mind?
Frith (1989) Weak central coherence theory
Describe Williams syndrome
**Describe Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
*Barkley (1997) ADHD as a cognitive disorder
*ADHD as a 'reward & motivation disorder'
Describe Cerebral Palsy
Describe (developmental) language disorders
Schaffer (2003) nature and functions of attachments
Schaffer (2003) 4 stages of attachment development
Bowlby studied children that were raised in an orphanage or placed in a hospital during a medical outbreak (very little human contact and no/severed attachment with primary care giver)
*consequences of this separation?
*Rutter (1972)
Lorenz critical period
Lester (1974) attachment and object permanence
*'monotropy' (according to Bowlby)
*micro-genetic approaches
*motion parallax
*binocular parallax
Describe the stages of the Strange Situation (Meins, 2003)
Describe a child with secure attachment type (during the Strange Situation)
Describe 3 insecure attachment types of children during the Strange Situation
Describe the internal working model- Main et al. (1985)
George et al. (1985) how do adults of different attachment types assess their childhood relationships
Belsky et al. (1996) - consequence of different attachment types
Fonagy et al. (1991) consequences of different attachment types
Hamlin et al. (2007) geometric shapes personality story
study/example for Piaget's 2 stages of moral development (H&A)
Hart et al. (2003) Kolberg's stages
Hart et al. (1991) & Kochanska (1991) Kolberg's stages
Discuss factors that contribute to antisocial behaviour
Eron (1987) watching violent TV
Thomas et al. (1977) how can violent TV de-sensitise aggression?
Describe Pavlov's theory of 'psychic learning'
Describe the 'A not B' error:
*relates to object permanence!
Describe 'Hans' numerical ability'?
Describe Hughes (1975) Policeman study
Describe Acquired and Developmental dyslexia:
Describe Autism (behavioural effects, onset etc.)
* Ropar & Mitchell (2002) autism & knowledge
What are level 1 and 2 of perspective taking:
Describe the Wisconsin card sorting task:
Describe infants' numerical ability and how it further develops:
*infant-directed talk
What are LAD and LASS?
*moral subjectivist (Piaget moral stories)
*moral realism
*discuss the potential recency effect in Piaget moral task?
*how did children below 6/7 judge?
*what/when is Bowlby's critical period?
Describe Hoffman's theory on child moral development:
What 2 mechanisms do we have for perceiving objects as they move further away?
General facts (IQ/intelligence)
*correlation of IQ between monozygotic twins reared apart?
*2 thirds of population have an IQ between _ and _.
*how many words (roughly) are in a child's vocabulary of age 2 and then 6.
*what is the Raven's progressive matrices?
What are the 3 types of egocentric speech identified by Piaget?
What is joint attention, and does it support children's learning?
*Butterworth (1981) geometry
*Baldwin & Moses (1994) vocabulary
*Visual Acuity
What is inter-modal mapping?
*Wynn (1992) infants numerical ability
*Simon, Hespos, & Rochat (1995)
Rizzolatti & Craighero (2004) the mirror-neuron hypothesis
Mallick & McCandles (1966) frustration and aggression
List Kohlberg's 6 stages of moral development:
Describe each moral stage:
1. Obedience & punishment
2. Individualism & exchange
3. Good interpersonal relationship
4. Maintaining the social order
5. Social contract and individual rights
6. Universal principles