Test por , creado hace más de 1 año

Choosing correct words

Creado por englishcorner hace más de 8 años

Jedno słówko = wiele znaczeń

Pregunta 1 de 10


Which word fits into all three sentences? (Które słówko pasuje do wszystkich trzech zdań?)

A) Timothy is _____________the USA.
B) The film will last _____________ 9 to 11 p.m.
C) These shoes are made _____________leather.

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • in

  • on

  • for

  • from

  • with

  • to

  • at


Pregunta 2 de 10


Which word fits into all three sentences? (Które słówko pasuje do wszystkich trzech zdań?)

A) OK. Let's meet ______________ 7.15 outside your office.
B) My room is ______________the end of the corridor.
C) ______________first I didn't really know what he was talking about.

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • in

  • on

  • at

  • for

  • of

  • with

  • from


Pregunta 3 de 10


Which word fits into all three sentences? (Które słówko pasuje do wszystkich trzech zdań?)

A) _____________ do you know where to go?
B) _____________ far is it to Warsaw from Łódź?
C) Oh, _____________wonderful!

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • how

  • what

  • why

  • where

  • which

  • who


Pregunta 4 de 10


Which word fits into all three sentences? (Które słówko pasuje do wszystkich trzech zdań?)

A) Pete had finished drinking coffee _____________ the time Jenny brought the cake.
B) I suppose we'll go _____________car rather than walk on foot.
C) The profits increased _____________15% last year.

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • in

  • on

  • for

  • with

  • through

  • by


Pregunta 5 de 10


Which word fits into all three sentences? (Które słówko pasuje do wszystkich trzech zdań?)

A) Terry ___________ a great gift for his last birthday. It was a watch!
B) We finally ___________ home after spending 3 hours in this terrible traffic jam.
C) Susan ___________ really angry with Pete because he didn't have a shower after coming back from the gym.

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • got

  • took

  • gave

  • had

  • brought

  • was


Pregunta 6 de 10


Which word fits into all four sentences? (Które słówko pasuje do wszystkich trzech zdań?)

A) I'm going to the shop. I'll be back ____________ 15 minutes.
B) Look. Who is that ____________this picture?
C) Do you have a lipstick ____________ your bag?
D) FC Barcelona won the match ____________spite of the very difficult beginning.

Selecciona una de las siguientes respuestas posibles:

  • of

  • in

  • to

  • for

  • with

  • at

  • from


Pregunta 7 de 10


Selecciona la opción correcta de los menús desplegables para completar el texto.

Choose one option to each gap. (Wybierz jedną opcję do każdej luki)

A) What would you ( say, tell, speak, talk ) if I suggested eating out tonight?
B) Please, don't ( tell, say, speak, talk ) me how the film finished. I want to watch it myself.
C) Hello, can I ( speak, tell, say, talk, speak / talk ) to MR Johns?
D) What are they ( talking, speaking, saying, telling ) about?


Pregunta 8 de 10


Selecciona la opción correcta de los menús desplegables para completar el texto.

Choose one option to each gap. (Wybierz jedną opcję do każdej luki)

A) Are you going to take ( part, piece, peace, turn ) in the meeting next week?
B) Would you like a ( piece, part, turn, peace ) of cake?
C) It's your ( turn, piece, peace, part ) now. Take the dice and throw it.
D) I love the ( peace, piece, part, turn ) and ( quite, quiet, quit, quick ) of my little village.
E) Which ( part, piece, peace, turn ) of the film did you like most?
F) ( Turn, Piece, Peace, Part ) back and look out of the window.


Pregunta 9 de 10


Selecciona la opción correcta de los menús desplegables para completar el texto.

Choose one option to each gap. (Wybierz jedną opcję do każdej luki)

A) The doctor gave me a ( prescription, receipt, recipe ) for a cold medicine.
B) Here's you change and the ( receipt, prescription, recipe ). Thank you for visiting our shop.
C) Oh, please, please, send me the ( recipe, receipt, prescription ) for this fantastic cake you made last for Christmas!


Pregunta 10 de 10


Selecciona la opción correcta de los menús desplegables para completar el texto.

Choose one option to each gap. (Wybierz jedną opcję do każdej luki)

A) ( Every, Each, All, Whole ) girl in my office has long hair.
B) ( All, Whole, Every, Each ) the clothes in my wardrobe are either black or white.
C) We must clean the ( whole, all, each, every ) house before the party.
D) And now, ( each / all, every, whole, each / whole ) of you can take one of these little gifts home.
