Creado por mkthomsen
hace casi 9 años
Name given to Lincoln's plan which called for minimal loyalty from citizens in the Southern States.
Process of bringing charges against the President
Required the majority of a state's white male citizens to pledge loyalty before elections could be held
Abolished slavery once and for all
Organization responsible to provide food, clothing, hospitals, and schools for freedmen & their families.
Presidential power to prevent a bill passed in the last 10 days of session from becoming law by ignoring it.
Official pardon issued by the president to those in the South who pledged loyalty to the Union.
Name given to the Supreme leader of the Ku Klux Klan
Qualifications to be a member of the KKK
At one point he served as the supreme leader of the KKK; he was elected to the Louisiana House of Representatives in 1989.
2 other groups that were targeted by the KKK
Object burned by the KKK in many people's front yards
Confederate officer who founded the KKK
Different ways the KKK harmed their victims
Laws Designed to keep freedmen in slave-like conditions
Guaranteed all citizens, regardless of race, the right to vote.
Secret society of whites that used terror & violence to keep African Americans from obtaining their civil rights
Political group that favored much tougher requirements for restoring Southern state governments
Required states to grant citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in the US
Divided the South into 5 military districts under the control of the US army
Gave African Americans citizenship & equal benefits of all laws & for the security of property
Labor system where freedmen worked for a portion of the crop
A scoundrel & traitor to the South
Confederate general who was considered to be a traitor because he supported Reconstruction
System where farmers rented the land they farmed hoping to save enough money to one day purchase their own property
African American who took the Senate seat of Jefferson Davis
Northern Republicans who came South to participate in Reconstruction
Set aside 45 million acres of government to be given to freedmen
Actor who assassinated Abraham Lincoln
President who issued the Proclamation of Amnesty as part of his reconstruction plan
Union general elected president in 1868 & 1872. He died of throat cancer a few years.
Radical Republican who insisted that the South be treated like a conquered territory
Became the president after Lincoln's assassination
He won the popular vote but lost the electoral vote in the controversial election of 1876
Former slave who served as a close advisor to President Johnson during the Reconstruction of the South
Southern Democrats who won their states back from the Republicans
Group who broke from their political party and helped the Democrats regain control of the House of Representatives in 1874
Term that referred to the trend that the South remained Democratic for nearly 100 years after reconstruction
Set heavy penalties on anyone attempting to prohibit civil rights in the South; also ban the use of disguises in the South
He won the controversial presidential election of 1876
Republicans agreed to withdraw federal troops from South in exchange for Hayes becoming president
The late 1800s & early 1900s was a time of industrialization & economic change in the South called this