What did Hitler do to address the problems he was facing as chancellor?
Have a revolution
Infiltrate the government with spies and release bad propaganda about them
Call an election in march to get rid of the Reichstag
What did he think this would do ?
Enable him to be a dictator
Mean that Hindenburg would resign
He would get more Nazi supporters within the Reichstag
Hitler managed to replace the Weimar republic because of his charisma and promises
Hitler managed to destroy the Weimar republic with a bomb
Hitler managed to replace the Weimar republic because of support from traditional leaders of the army, landowners and heavy industries
Hitler managed to replace the Weimar republic through the failure of the Weimar republic on not addressing the depression and being associated with the treaty of Versailles and the failure of the war.
Hitler managed to replace the Weimar republic all due to votes and Hindenburg
Hitler managed to replace the Weimar republic because the depression pulled people away from the republic and towards the words of Hitler
Hitler managed to replace the republic through to Nazi ideology of racism and anti semetism and the popular view that people didn't want inferior races to take over.
Hitler managed to replace the republic due to propaganda