Staple fibres are shorter longer( shorter, longer ) than filament fibres
Regenerated fibres are natural synthetic( natural, synthetic ) fibres that are chemically treated.
Regenerated Natural( Regenerated, Natural ) fibres are given different properties by using different chemicals.
The source for all synthetic fibres is either coal or oil plants( oil, plants )
Many regenerated fibres are made from wood pulp Animal fibres( wood pulp, Animal fibres ).
In general, natural fibres are absorbent non abosorbent( absorbent, non abosorbent ) and strong when dry.
Synthetic Natural( Synthetic, Natural ) fibres come from a renewable source.
Synthetic Natural( Synthetic, Natural ) fibres can be given many different properties.
Natural fibres are either plant or oil animal( oil, animal ) based
Synthetic Natural( Synthetic, Natural ) fibres come from a renewable source