Creado por Bereka
hace alrededor de 11 años
What does CFA stand for?
Which associations agreed to who was present at a fire?
What is the fire brigades role at a fire scene?
What is the role of the police at a fire scene?
What is the forensic teams role at a fire scene?
What are some common causes of fire?
What are the reasons for deliberate fire-setting?
What is hypothesis testing?
What is the aim of a fire investigation?
What are fire debris samples collected in?
Why are nylon bags used for fire debris?
What are measures used to stop false positives in the nylon bag?
Why can tape, sticky labels or pen not be used on a nylon bag?
What is the purpose of the control nylon bag?
What is the meaning of a positive control bag?
How can there be proof there is no contamination?
How can you avoid cross contamination?
Describe headspace sampling
What does ATD-GC-MS stand for?
How does ATD work?
How does GC work?
What are the two modes of MS?
What are the advantages of TIC mode of MS?
What are the disadvantages of using TIC mode of MS?
What is selected ion recording/monitoring (SIR/SIM)?
What is the advantages of the SIR/SIM mode of the MS?
What are the disadvantages of SIR/SIM mode of MS?
What does EIC/EIP stand for?
What does the EIC/EIP do?
What are the 5 hydrocarbon groups used to identify crude oil?
What are some characteristics of a petrol chromatogram?
What are some characteristics of white spirit?
What are some characteristics of diesel?
What is the most abundant fragment on a mass spectrometry graph?
What does pyrolysis mean?
What makes a CFA chromatogram complicated?
What are the main causes of fires?
What is the definition of fire?
What is the fire triangle?
What are some ignition sources?
What is the explosion triangle?
What volume does one mole of gas occupy at STP (standard temperature and pressure) and SATP (Standard ambient temperature and pressure)?
What does the mode of burning depend on other than chemical nature?
What type of fuel burns?
What is pyrolysis?
What is sublimation?
What is chemical decomposition?
What are the four aspects of combustion?
What are flammability limits dependent on?
What is the FLl?
What is the FLu?
What is flashpoint?
What is fire point/flame point?
What is the spontaneous ignition temperature (SIT) or autoignition temperature (AIT)?
What defines a combustible liquid from a flammable liquid?
What is flaming combustion?
What is glowing combustion/smouldering?
What is spontaneous combustion?