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Mapa Mental sobre THE END OF POST-WAR CONSENSUS (1870 - 1879) - HEATH'S GOVERNMENT, creado por 10cfairbrother el 20/02/2016.

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over 3 years ago
very informative. super helpful with revision
THE END OF POST-WARCONSENSUS (1870 - 1879) -HEATH'S GOVERNMENTHEATH ASLEADERHad served as the LONGEST POST-WARCONSERVATIVE LEADER since WinstonCHURCHILL.5years.The FIRST Conservative leader to beELECTED by the members of theCONSERVATIVE PARTY themselves!Had been EDUCATED at STATESCHOOLS, rather than the traditional,stagnancy of 'Establishment' / 'OldEtonians.'Good at POLICIES,but not POLITICS.NOT politicallyskilful.Too HONEST for his owngood; 'lacked aBACKBONE.'NotDEVIOUS.Stiff and pricklydemeanour.At the time of his rise to leadership, Heathseemed WELL PREPARED for GOVERNMENT; ASHE HAD spent his time in opposition fordeveloping detailed ECONOMICMODERNISATION and INDUSTRIAL RELATIONSpolicies.The SON of aBUILDER.He declared that he was adopting, "a newstyle of government," and that he intendedto, "reduce the rise in prices, increaseproductivity and reduce unemployment."Heath DIFFERED from Wilson in that it was hisintention to BREAK with the POST-WAR CONSENSUSthat had broadly dominated STATE INTERVENTION inSOCIAL and ECONOMIC matters!EdwardHeathHad been the CHIEFNEGOTIATOR for the FIRSTAPPLICATION FOR E.E.CENTRY between 1961 to 1963.MargaretThatcherThe KEY CHALLENGER toConservative Partyleadership.DEFEATED Heath, andtook over CONSERVATIVELEADERSHIP in FEBRUARY, 1975.Evoked right-wingedpolicies compared toHeath."By his humble background, by hisgrammar school education and bythe fact of his democraticelection."Had STRAINEDRELATIONS with Heathfor the rest of his politicalcareer!Speaking about Heath in2005, following his death.This attitude summed up the term,'SELSDON MAN,' or the, 'NEW RIGHT,'-- the 'new type' ofCONSERVATIVISM.POLITICAL AND ECONOMICPOLICIES POLICIESCONSERVATIVE PARTYCONFERENCEJanuary, pre-1970election.Selsdon Park.Announced a POLICYPROGRAMME that introduced thefoundations for theCONSERVATIVE MANIFESTO at the1970 election...TAX reforms.Better LAW andORDER.Reforms to TRADEUNIONSCUTS to PUBLICSPENDING.CONTROLS onIMMIGRATION.END of PUBLIC SUBSIDYfor 'LAME DUCK'INDUSTRIES.An industry that is UNABLEto COMPETE and SURVIVEwithout STATE SUPPORT.Heath believed in, 'ONE NATIONTORYISM,' and the POST-WARCONSENSUS.REFORMSThe SELSON PARK PROGRAMME was NOTintended to be an ENTIRE REJECTION of thePOST-WAR CONSENSUS POLICIES!SCHOOL LEAVING AGE wasRAISED from 15 to 16.The introduction ofDECIMALISATION...100 pence instead of the144 old pennies in the £RESEMBLED otherEUROPEANCURRENCIES.The IDEA wasput forward in1971...... but didn't comeinto practice until1971.1stSeptember,1972.AnthonyBarberNew Chancellor ofthe Exchequer.STAGFLATIONIntroduced TAX CUTS to encourageINVESTMENT, but instead a RAPIDRISE in INFLATION took place!The 'BARBERBOOM.'Introduced CUTS inPUBLIC SPENDING.This was NOT accompanied by ECONOMIC GROWTH!Instead, UNEMPLOYMENT FIGURES ROSE, – anunexpected turn of events to occur during a period ofinflationary increases – and subsequently led to thecoining of the term, ‘stagflation.’Unemployment started to edgetowards explosive figures of ONEMILLION!Initially, Heath’s government had promised toreduce state intervention in industry, but by 1971,the nationalisation of Rolls Royce and state loansinto, ‘lame duck,’ industries such as the, ‘Upper ClydeShipbuilders,’ evoked feelings of hypocrisy...... This showed a rejection of free-market policybecause the government were now intervening withinkey industrial relations; a factor that they had beenadamant to avoid in doing within the ConservativeParty’s manifesto.The'U-TURN.'WHY?This showed a rejection of free-market policybecause the government were now interveningwithin key industrial relations; a factor thatthey had been adamant to avoid in doingwithin the Conservative Party’s manifesto.A 1969 memorandum written by themarketer Nicholas Ridley had advocated acomplete government withdrawal from UCSbut this kind of ideological approach was,even after Selsdon, in reality unacceptable.Pragmatism (Heath’s underlying motive forpolitical policies) —a concern for the effects onemployment and therefore on votes—resultedin a large government loan...... Then, in February 1972, during adebate on unemployment, thedecision was announced to bail outthis latest "lame duck" with state aid.THE OILCRISISOctober,1973An unexpectedturn of events...UNEMPLOYMENT hadactually FALLEN to 500,000GOVERNMENT INVESTMENT intoMODERNISING INDUSTRYappeared to be successful.The YOM KIPPUR WAR in the MiddleEast caused O.P.E.C to announce aSUDDEN BAN on OIL EXPORTS...... OIL PRICESaccelerated to 4TIMES above normal!Haz doble clic en este nodo para editar el textoHaz clic en este nodo y arrástralo para crear uno nuevo