Creado por sophietevans
hace alrededor de 11 años
What is sphygmomanometry?
How would one measure blood pressure directly?
Why does sphygmomanometry use the brachial artery?
What is the systolic pressure, and what does it sound like when measured using manual sphygmomanometry?
What is the diastolic pressure and what does it sound like when measured using manual sphygmomanometry?
What is auscultatory sphygmomanometry?
What is oscillometric sphygmomanometry?
What was the name of the manual cuff and stethoscope kit used to measure blood pressure?
In the class data, was there a difference between the manual and automated measurements of blood pressure? If so, offer an explanation.
According to the class data, was there a difference in male and female blood pressures?
According to the class data there was no difference between male and female heart rates, when an unpaired T-test was performed. Why?
Roughly what pressure is venous pressure?
Why is venous blood pressure so much lower than arterial blood pressure?
How many times heavier is mercury than blood?
How did you establish your venous pressure in this practical?
List some causes of high arterial and venous pressure.
Suggest some causes of low arterial/venous pressure.