What is the function of the liver?
What is Cholestasis?
What are the effects of cholestasis?
What is jaundice (hyperbiliruninemia)?
Name at least 5 causes of jaundice
What types of jaundice are there?
What can cause Cholestasis?
What is bilirubin?
What is the function of albumin?
what is the difference between conjugated and unconjugated bilirubin?
what can be used to measure bilirubin?
What is hepatitis?
what are the causes of hepatitis?
what are the characteristics of chronic hepatitis?
what are the characteristics of acute hepatitis?
What is cirrhosis?
what are the first two stages before cirrhosis?
what are the characteristics of stage 1 of alcoholic liver disease?
what are the characteristics of stage 2 of alocoholic liver disease?
What are the characteristics of cirrhosis?
Which forms of hepatitis are most common?
In a CT scan, what indicates the presence of a tumor?
what is the main drawbacksof liver function tests?
What are the liver function tests?
Where is alkaline phosphotase found?
What happens to ALP when a bile passages are blocked?
how is ALP synthesised?
What can high ALP levels indicate (dont just say liver disease, be specific sillyface)
Why do enzyme based tests use international units rather then weight?