Creado por Big Dave
hace casi 9 años
Lodovico on Othello's reputation
Brabantio on the importance of appearance
Cassio on the importance of reputation
Cassio on the importance of reputation
Desdemona talks back to Othello
How could Iago be described?
Iago on jealousy
Iago on identity
Loved based not on appearance
Iago plans to use Desdemona
Othello on his warlike nature
Iago on destiny
Emilia on the treatment of women
Iago on female nature
Othello on his manner (act 3 scene iii)
Othello on the need for proof (act 3 scene iii)
Othello on the nature of women (act 3 scene iii)
Emilia on women
Othello on identity (act 5 scene ii)
Othello on his identity (act 5 scene ii)