What is a quantitative variable?
What is a qualitative variable?
What is a discrete variable?
What is a continuous variable?
What is a measure of location?
What are the 3 measures of location?
How do you work out the median of DISCRETE data?
E.G. of the previous flashcard.
How do you work out the mean of DISCRETE data?
What is the formula for working out the combined mean?
When should you use the mode?
When should you use the median?
When should you use the mean?
How do you find the mean of grouped continuous data?
How do you find the median of grouped continuous data?
What does the line method look like for interpolation?
What is the formula for interpolation?
What MUST you be careful of when interpolating?
What is the modal class?
In coding, how do you find the mean of the original data?