Creado por Bee Brittain
hace casi 9 años
What are alkenes described as? What characteristic gives them this name?
How many regions of electron density are there around each carbon atom?
What is the bond angle around each carbon atom in a double bond and why?
Can the atoms around a double bond rotate? Explain.
State what is meant by the term 'unsaturated'
What is the molecular formula, and the name, of the alkene that contains 5 carbons, with the double bond between carbons 2 and 3, and a chlorine on carbon 1.
What is the difference between a sigma bond, and a pi bond?
Define Stereoisomerism
What conditions are needed for an isomer to be an E/Z Isomer?
If something is an E isomer, what does this mean?
If something is a Z Isomer, what does this mean?