Groups are defined by (5)
A group = 2+ individuals who (8)
Actual productivity=_______ - _________
coordination loss/ Ringleman Effect
motivational losses: social loafting
Kohler effect
Stages of group development (5)
4 elements of group structure
High status individuals are/do (3)
2 functions of norms:
define cohesion
nature of cohesiveness (5)
perceptions of cohesiveness are manifested in relation to (2)
environmental factors affecting cohesiveness (3)
personal factors affecting cohesiveness (2)
leadership factors affecting cohesion (2)
4 aspects of roles
important norms for team cohesion (4)
define: team building
team goal setting process (6)
universal trait theory
universal behaviour theory
important leader behaviours (2)
functional model of leadership
fielder's contingency theory
effectiveness of group depends on 2 factors:
situation specific behaviour theories
path-goal theory
chellandurai's multidimensional model of leadership
jowett model of coach-athlete relationship [3+1Cs]
7 factors essential for + coach-athlete long term relationship:
2 factors in player position & leadership opportunity
4 behaviours of transformational leadership
idealized influence
inspirational motivation
intellectual stimulation
individualized consideration
indvidual outcomes of TL (4)
group outcomes of TL (3)
TL is salient in 2/ 4 behaviours. What are the 2?
4 myths about PST
PST neglected bc:
Key psychological skills (7)
define : peak performance
9 dimensions of flow :
factors that enhance flow (7)
factors that interfere with flow(4)
peak performance attributes
7Rs of Max performance
how to develop awareness, self-monitor (3)
information processing model
errors of selection (3)
define : concentration
in maximal demands entails(5) :
individual difference in attentional style (3)
define: choking
prevention/ treatment of choking (7)
2 external strategies to keep concentration
internal strategies to keep concentration
goals influence performance in ways
factors that affect goal- performance relationship (6)
common problems with goal setting (8)
other goal setting strategies not part of "SMARTEST" (4)