Creado por Ben C
hace casi 9 años
--What impact did the Great Depression have on the Weimar Republic--
What big event happened in 1929 and what was the main effect of this?
What did the so called 'downward economic spiral of the Depression' look like?
What were the unemployment figures from 1928-1932?
What happened to industrial production 1928-32?
What happened to wages 1928-32?
What was the state of the government during this period?
What did the new government look like in 1930?
How did Brüning change the economic outlook of Germany?
What was a benefit of this policy?
What were two suggestions made to sort out the Germany economy?
How did Brüning respond to these suggestions?
What were the effects of Brüning's policies?
Who replaced Brüning in late May 1932, what did he introduce and what were the effects?
What further political changes occurred in December 1932, what were the changes and what were the effects?
What were the effects of the new economic policies that the government introduced?
--Changing living standards, 1918-32--
What sort of a country did the Weimar Government introduce?
How did the government run the analysis of the standard of living?
What did the Weimar government introduce in relation to living standards?
Even though the government introduced an 8-hour working day, what still happened?
In Berlin, how many people were lodgers and paid to sleep in a bed (1925)?
What did skilled workers and low-level clerical workers also experience?
What happened to the number of clerical workers in the 1920's?
Which section of society did manage to scrape by?
In terms of hyperinflation, who was affected and who wasn't?
Major social legislation, 1918-32
May 1920
February 1922
February 1924
July 1927
What was the Nazis main goal in terms of the economy when they came to power?
Why didn't the Nazis have an issue with paying reparations to the Allies?
What happened in 1934 which impact Germany's stance in the world and why?
Why didn't this collapse of trade with the USA matter so much to the Nazi regime?
What was the 'New Plan', when did it come into effect and what was its purpose?
Give three reasons as to why the unemployment statistics changed during the Nazi regime.
Describe how the unemployment statistics changed in Germany during the years 1933-39.
What was 'invisible unemployment'?
How did the Nazis create work?
What was the RAD?
Give an example of one of the main schemes that the RAD promoted.
--Managing agriculture--
Who was the Minister of Agriculture?
Name some changes he made during his first few weeks in office, which tied in with the aims of the 'New Plan'.
Who was the next Minister of Agriculture, after Hugenburg resigned in May 1933, and what did he do?
What was the purpose of the RNS, and what additional powers did it have?
What was the effect of, in effect, the nationalisation of farming in Germany by Darré?
--Managing business and the workers--
Which industries supported the Nazis?
What did the 1933 Law for the Protection of Retail Trade do and what was the effect of this?
How did Nazis move to control the unions?
What was the issue on workers due to the DAF?
What was the Reich Trustees of Labour and what was the effect on workers?
--The crisis of 1935-36--
How did Schacht's plan get on?
What was the effect of the failing plan on Germany?
What crisis did Schacht face in 1935?
Nazi Economic Legislation, 1933-36
6th May 1933
12th May 1933
19th May 1933
1st June 1933
22nd June 1933
13th September 1933
21st September 1933
24th October 1933
29th November 1933
16th March 1935
26th June 1935
--Creating a command economy, 1936-39--
What is a command economy?
Who was in charge of the second-Four Year Plan, after the first 'New Plan' failed, after having only ran for 3 years?
What were the six departments in Goering's Office of the Four-Year Plan?
What was Goering's idea to drive Germany's autarky goals even further?
How did Goering achieve this and what was the effect of it?
--Guns or butter?--
What was the major issue with the Nazi policies of rearmament and 'Work and Bread'?
How did the Nazis try to get around this?
--The situation in 1939--
How much control did the Nazis have over the economy by 1939?
Was Germany self-sufficient?
How did Germany continue to try to make the move towards autarky?
What was the big issue with the Nazis having a command economy?
How ready were Germany for war by 1939?